Monday, April 16, 2007

Where to buy.

I've been receiving quite a bit of e-mail asking where to find the wines I've mentioned. While the majority of the wines I've recommended can be found at most self-respecting wine shops, some might be harder to find.
First of all, if you have a shop you like, have them special order you a bottle. Most shops are willing to do this. If they order a few, and they sell, they'll keep it in stock regularly. Give them a few days to get the wine in, and don't plan a weekend dinner around the bottle -- distributors regularly run out of a hot item.

If you don't have a regular shop, here's a few in the New Haven area to try...
<*>Grand Vin
28 East Grand Ave., New Haven (just across the bridge)
<*>Wine Thief
378 Whitney Ave. or 181 Crown St., New Haven
<*>Pond Point
15 Pond Point Ave., Milford
<*>New England Beverage Co.
560 Boston Post Road (next to Trader Joe's), Orange
<*>Amity Wine & Spirit
95 Amity Road, New Haven (next to Sam Ash)

...these are but a few, and by no means the only shops. If you have someone you use religiously, let us know -- MattUva@(nospam)


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